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In response to customer concerns related to gluten strength in commercial baking, the Canadian Grain Commission assessed whether the Canadian Short Process (CSP) test bake method was generating useful data related to intrinsic strength of wheat varieties. Assessment of CSP loaf volume data for Canadian variety trials spanning 2003 to 2013 showed very little correlation with dough strength parameters as measured by farinograph and extensigraph. A lean no time (LNT) test baking method was developed that can better discriminate genotypes and provide objective indicators of the effect of intrinsic dough strength on baking quality. From early method development, through method validation and verification using diverse sets of samples targeting different Canadian wheat classes and grown in three different crop years, results showed the LNT method to be more discriminating and easily adopted by other laboratories. In 2015, the LNT method was adopted as the method of choice in future Canadian variety registration trials. The LNT method is fast, simple and well-suited to high throughput test baking conditions encountered in the evaluation of large numbers of breeder lines. A new objective parameter, loaf top ratio, was also introduced and found to correlate well with dough strength and dough handling properties.  相似文献   
为筛选适宜河北省不同生态区的油葵新品种,分别在冀北高寒区张家口市、冀中南太行山浅山丘陵区石家庄市、冀中南太行山前平原区衡水市饶阳县开展油葵品种多点比较试验,对收集到的9个油葵品种的主要农艺性状及产量进行丰产性、稳定性分析。研究结果表明:(1)‘F60’、‘T562’和‘早熟矮大头’的生育期较对照短,其余品种均比对照长。(2)‘新葵23号’和‘新葵7号’比较高大,‘早熟矮大头’相对矮小。(3)‘T562’籽粒较好,百粒重最重,‘HZ001’籽粒小而轻。(4)各参试品种均表现增产,其中‘T562’和‘F60’丰产效应最高。张家口和石家庄‘T562’产量最高;饶阳‘F60’产量最高。(5)‘新葵7号’和‘F60’变异度最低,稳产性最强。‘T562’、‘F60’、‘新葵7号’、‘改良7号’和‘S667’适宜张家口种植,‘F60’、‘早熟矮大头’、‘新葵7号’、‘HZ001’和‘新葵23号’适宜石家庄和饶阳种植。(6)‘T562’、‘F60’综合评价好,‘早熟矮大头’、‘新葵7号’、‘HZ001’和‘新葵23号’综合评价一般,‘改良7号’和‘S667’综合评价较差。  相似文献   
Brans of 23 traditional and 12 improved (both red and white) rice varieties in Sri Lanka were screened for anti-amylase and anti-glycation activities in vitro. Varieties which showed the highest inhibitory activities at screening were further investigated for anti-glucosidase and glycation reversing as anti-diabetic properties. The same varieties were studied for selected antioxidant properties. Significantly high anti-amylase and anti-glycation activities were observed for bran extracts of red varieties compared to white varieties at screening. Traditional red rice varieties, Masuran, Sudu Heeneti, Dik Wee and Goda Heeneti, exhibited significant and dose dependent anti-amylase, anti-glycation and glycation reversing activities. These varieties also showed marked antioxidant properties. It is concluded that brans of Sri Lankan traditional red rice varieties Masuran, Sudu Heeneti, Dik Wee and Goda Heeneti may be potential food supplements for diabetes.  相似文献   
周明  刘秀英 《木材工业》1991,5(3):21-24
通过对十八种药剂配方(其中水溶性配方15种、油溶性配方3种)对木腐菌的毒性试验及对初筛后的配方进行流失后毒性试验,结果表明,水溶性配方中的铜铬砷即CCA_3、CCA_4、CCA_5,铜铬硼即CCB_5配方,以及油溶性配方中的P—B剂的毒性较大。  相似文献   
Crude proteins obtained by Mg/NP-40 extraction from Thai medicinal plants of the Curcuma species exhibited agglutination activity against rabbit erythrocytes. A crude extract from Salingalinthong, a Thai Curcuma specie, exhibited the strongest hemagglutinating activity, 2 x 10(-5) mg/ml.  相似文献   
刘淑萍 《森林工程》2002,18(2):36-38
本文针对掺加不同外加剂的混凝土的含气量、抗冻性能、抗压强度、抗折强度等方面的试验研究,提出掺入外加剂是提高水泥混凝土路面耐久性的必要措施。  相似文献   
滇中地区森林火险等级预报方法的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张映堂  霍义强 《林业科学》1995,31(3):239-246
经引起滇中地区森林火灾的主要细小可燃物的含水率及初始蔓延速度的大量试验数据为基础,结合大量林火历史资料,气象历史资料统计分析,找出规律,在对森林火险等级进行实测的基础上,建立数学模型和预报方法。经验证及对预报效果分析证明,本预报方法符合客观实际,是一种符合科学规律、简易、实用的预报方法,同时对引起滇中地区特大森林火灾的大气环流形势及物理量的变化作了分析,掌握了有关规律,为该地区的特大森林火险预报提  相似文献   
肖和良 《猪业科学》2020,37(2):76-79
桑叶养猪实用技术分为桑树种植技术和桑叶干粉发酵养猪技术两个部分。利用荒地种植桑树,降低生猪养殖饲养成本,桑叶养猪种养结合,成为生态农业典范。桑叶干粉发酵技术,提高了桑叶干粉的可消化率和饲料功能。桑叶干粉发酵料占配方6%~10%,做成桑叶猪饲料,替代3%~5%鱼粉、豆粕等蛋白质饲料,节约了饲料成本。桑叶喂养猪(简称桑叶猪,下同)的猪肉中含有肌苷酸等风味物质,显著提高猪肉胴体品质和猪肉风味。设计猪尿处理,采用红泥膜沼气池降解工程工艺应用后,降解水兑2倍清水对桑树喷灌工艺,减少人工处理劳力和成本费用。设计10%抗非洲猪瘟中药饲料添加剂+桑叶饲料,预期防治非洲猪瘟总效果85%以上。桑叶养猪实用技术可行,供同行参考。  相似文献   
应用3.6%烟碱·苦参碱乳油、25%阿维.灭幼脲悬浮剂、棉铃虫核型多角体病毒3种无公害药剂防治美国白蛾幼虫,结果表明:3.6%烟碱·苦参碱乳油3000倍液,喷药9d后防治效果达100%;25%阿维.灭幼脲悬浮1000倍液和1500倍液,喷药15d后防治效果均达到98%以上,生产上应选择1500倍液;以2.50×106PIB/ml、4.25×106PIB/ml 和1.25×107PIB/ml棉铃虫核型多角体病毒喷洒美国白蛾1-3龄幼虫,15d后防治效果均达到91%以上。核型多角体病毒对鱼虾安全,可在鱼虾养殖等水域美国白蛾防治中大面积应用推广。  相似文献   
将等效负荷直接加到提升臂上,完成拖拉机在线提升试验。减少试验人员,提高试验效率,增加安全性。  相似文献   
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